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Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School

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Campus Ministry

Visitation's Campus Ministry Office supports students’ spiritual development through Masses, prayer services, in-class talks, and retreats, all aimed at helping girls strengthen their relationships with God, self, and others.

While there are many opportunities for students to deepen their faith, graduating seniors often say that some of their most profound, life-changing experiences were the retreats they participated in at Visitation. Junior Retreat, a class-wide event held at Camp Maria on scenic Breton Bay, is usually among girls' most treasured memories, and the Kairos Retreats are often referred to as "incredible" and "life-changing."

Campus Spiritual Life

  • Daily Prayer & Mass
    • 7:55 a.m. Preparation of the Day
    • Lunch Mass
    • 3:05 p.m. Afternoon Examen
  • Monthly All-school Mass
  • Monthly Salesian Community Sunday Masses
  • Confession
    • Advent
    • Lent
    • By appointment
  • First Friday
    • Rosary
    • Adoration
  • Retreats

Salesian Reflections at Masses

After each school Mass, a community member is invited to offer a brief reflection inspired by the Salesian theme of the month. These personal reflections invite a deeper understanding of our shared Salesian Spirituality.

Read our community's Salesian Reflections



Spiritual Retreats

Retreats at Visitation are student- and adult-led experiences that invite students to reflect on and encounter Christ through prayer and the people in their lives.


Religious Education

Visitation's religion classes contemplate the relationship between faith and reason and examine the world from a Catholic perspective.

Christian Service

Caring for others is a fundamental part of our Catholic faith and Salesian tradition, and our Christian Service Program provides girls with opportunities to put their knowledge and beliefs into immediate practice.

Salesian Spirituality

Salesian Spirituality is the summation of the teachings of our spiritual co-founders, St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal; it encourages us to trust in God’s loving providence as we walk through our days and provides common sense guidance on how best to do this.