
"You must grow in love by means of the root, rather than the branches."

- St. Francis de Sales 

Grounded in God's Love


By Sister Mary Bader '78


During a recent windy spring day, I walked the grounds of my workplace and found a 50 foot fir tree on its side, having been blown over by the many strong gusts of the past few hours. My first response was one of gratitude; the tree barely missed landing on the building and several vans. Still I found myself marveling at the uprooted tree, and specifically its base, which was a tangled web of roots and earth about 6 feet in diameter.


As I viewed the fallen tree, I realized that though a powerful bluster of wind certainly contributed to the tree's demise, its root system also toppled the tree. Often I had walked near the tree and stumbled over the maze of roots that had spread above ground. It was a wonder the majestic tree had stood upright for so many years given its poor grounding.


Isn't our capacity to live fully similar to that of a tree? Like a tree with deep roots that give it a long life, the person who is deeply grounded in the love of God generates more love. The tangled web of roots is ever so complex and unique to each person, but those roots that are grounded in God bring about branches. Those branches are the actions and words of the person which reflect charity, forgiveness, joy, mercy, and compassion. These roots and branches, as St. Paul prays, fill us "with all the fullness of God."


I frequently recall a middle school student who I taught years ago. Each morning during the class prayer, Deanna offered the same words, "I thank God for waking me up today and giving me another day of life." Knowing the challenges of poverty Deanna faced, I was astonished by her sincere expression of gratitude. Soon I learned that her grandmother, who was raising her, had fostered a sense of the love of God in her life. Because of her rootedness in this love, an eleven-year-old child was able to recognize the goodness of life around her and to share it with others. During her time at our school, I was privileged to watch her enthusiastically volunteer in countless service projects and activities to benefit others. Surely those roots and branches continue to inspire Deanna in building God's Kingdom today. 

Direction of Intention

(St. Francis de Sales)


My God, I give you this day.

I offer you now all the good that I shall do and

I promise to accept, for love of you,

all the difficulty that I shall meet.

Help me to conduct myself during this day

in a manner most pleasing to you.

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Special thanks to Cecilia Kane '16 for the banner photo.