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Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School

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Academic Support

Visitation's academic support program is designed to empower each student to embrace and excel as her authentic self. We ensure that every student receives the tailored support she needs to thrive. Our dedicated team of educators and specialists work collaboratively with students to foster both their academic growth and personal development, helping them to be their best selves in all aspects of their education. This holistic approach not only enhances their learning experiences but also strengthens their confidence and self-esteem.

Every child is someone’s miracle. I treat them as such, one conversation at a time. Praise their wisdom, their fortitude, their pursuit of knowledge. Acknowledge the gift that they are, every chance I have. When they fall short, work to bring them back to themselves, and to their full potential in the eyes of God.

Mrs. Kerry Kaminski, Director of Academic Support

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Georgetown Visitation is committed to the success of all students.
Student academic support services include:
  • individual, tailored plans for supporting student learning;
  • Learning Support and Strategies (LSS) course for select freshmen;
  • regularly scheduled check-ins for LSS students throughout sophomore year;
  • appointments with the Academic Support Team available to all students.

Learning Support & Strategies

During the admissions process, select students are identified as learners who would benefit from Learning Support and Strategies (LSS), a course that meets regularly for freshmen. Sophomores who were enrolled as freshmen meet weekly. 

LSS focuses on executive functioning skills as well as academic preparation. It takes the place of an academic course, with students choosing to defer world language, physics, or freshman history (Global Patterns). LSS works to ensure students are confident and prepared for their classes, and to ease their transition to high school. It is a chance for students to: 

  • Discuss reading they have completed independently in preparation for their academic courses;
  • Seek clarification on assignments, plan their time, and manage their academic workload;
  • Learn how to be successful students at Visitation, including study strategies, preparation of assignments and projects, and studying for exams; and
  • Learn and demonstrate self-advocacy skills in the classroom and beyond. 

Social Emotional Component 
In Learning Support and Strategies (LSS), we learn about how to be a reliable, organized Visitation student. We talk about the importance of believing in ourselves, and keeping our academic performance in perspective. We demonstrate curiosity, empathy, integrity, responsibility, self-advocacy, and respectful communication, towards others and ourselves.

Specialized Support
Students are enrolled in LSS as part of the admissions process. Students outside of Academic Support, as well as upperclassmen no longer in Academic Support, are welcome to make appointments for support, by emailing the appropriate teacher.  

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Meet Our Academic Support Team

In partnership with Academic Dean Sue Foreman, and led by Mrs. Kerry Kaminski, Visitation's Academic Support Team works with students across all disciplines.


  • Mrs. Kerry Kaminski and Mrs. Monica Choquette are here every day, serving as the teachers supporting humanities classes, including history, English and theology.
  • Dr. Jake Collamore supports students in mathematics both in-person and virtually by appointment.
  • Mr. Dave Hilal supports students in physics.



Sue Foreman

Sue Foreman

Academic Dean
Kerry Kaminski

Kerry Kaminski

Director of Academic Support
Monica Choquette

Monica Choquette

Jacqueline Collamore

Jacqueline Collamore

David Hilal

David Hilal


Our Curriculum

Discover our course offerings, departments, and the special programs that distinguish academic life at Visitation.

Empowering Girls

At Visitation, we empower the next generation of female leaders, equipping them with a strong moral foundation, the skills to effectively collaborate and communicate, and the drive to solve the problems facing our world today.

College Counseling

Our counselors work individually with each student to help her find the college that is the best fit.