
Take patiently the petty annoyances, the trifling discomforts, the unimportant losses which come upon all of us daily; for by means of these little matters, lovingly and freely accepted, you will give Him your whole heart, and win His.

-St. Francis de Sales

Petty Annoyances


By Brian Kane,  Father of  Marie Therese '14, Cecilia '16, Virginia '18, and Florence '20 & husband of  Olivia Wills '85

Technology melt-down reached me via an email message this week. "Someone has logged into iTunes using your account at 2:35 p.m."  A few hours later I found both my iPad and MacBook locked down and files encrypted. A new password was assigned to each device. A message appeared to write to an email address that was obviously bogus. I have not yet received a demand for thousands of dollars to unlock the devices. I am holding my breath.

To St. Francis deSales' words for reflection, I responded, "Wait - MY discomforts are not trifling!" My entire personal and professional life are on that MacBook. Years of work projects! Archival documents from my past business! Financial documents!  Baby photos! Photos of our cocker spaniel wearing sunglasses! St. Francis could not understand the dilemma contained within this poisoned Apple, the kind that was not around in Annecy when he was dipping a plume into inkwells to write his pal Jane.

After hours of time with Apple Support and with my office technology staff, I now await an Apple store "Genius Desk" appointment.  I will turn the problem over to someone who may know how to pick the lock that prevents any computer access - or perhaps may not!

After a few days of distress, I made a choice: I decided to let go of this Apple. I was unable to do anything about my situation. I couldn't send emails. I couldn't work on a document due the next day. I couldn't check my account balances or share photos of my cocker spaniel. Perhaps this was my "unimportant loss," named by Francis de Sales. I had entered the "Freely Accepting Zone." God was staffing the Genius Desk now.

However, I find myself not yet able to move into the Freely Loving Zone. I do not feel much love towards the violator of my computers. Despite Francis de Sales' words, I was not inclined to "lovingly and freely" accept the person who did this. (To the contrary, I think he or she should be locked up with the key thrown into Lake Geneva!) Certainly, St. Francis de Sales would understand, once I brought him up to speed on the facts of modern technology etiquette.  But perhaps changing that poisoned attitude is God's challenge to me this month.  


So I work away today on a loaner computer as I await my appointment with Apple tomorrow at 4 p.m.  Will my computers be unlocked?  Or will I allow that to be done to my Heart?   

 Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)

O Heart of Love, I put all my trust in you.

For I fear all things from my own weakness,

but I hope for all things from your goodness.


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Special thanks to Cecilia Kane '16 for the banner photo.